One of the best ways you can help Bunny Buddies is by becoming a foster parent and opening your home to a bunny in need. Our foster network is the foundation of our rescue efforts, and we are always in need of more foster homes. Fostering can save a shelter bunny from euthanasia or rescue a stray bunny from injury or starvation. Fostering can be extremely rewarding and satisfying. Most of our foster parents are amazed at the infinite variety of rabbit personalities and feel privileged to get to know each bunny who comes into their home.

Fostering requirements with Bunny Buddies

The following guidelines are to help you decide whether fostering is right for you and help us ensure that all of our furry friends are well cared for and prepared to move comfortably to their “forever” homes when the time is right.

  • You must have watched our Rabbits 101 educational video and read our Rabbit Care Guide.
  • Any personal rabbits in your home must be spayed or neutered, and kept separate from fosters.
  • You must make a commitment to fostering for the long-term, as we need to be able to count on our foster homes. Most fosters are with their foster families for a couple of months at the very least. Exceptions are often made when we are in need of a “holding” space for a few days or weeks. Please let us know if you might be able to be kept on our list of short-term/emergency only fosterers.
  • You must be able to house and exercise your foster rabbit indoors and separated from your personal rabbits.
  • You must be able to bring your foster rabbit to monthly adoption days, or make arrangements to get someone to bring him/her if you can’t make it.
  • You must be able to provide your foster rabbit at least 2 hours a day out of his/her cage. The exercise time required may vary depending upon the amount of play space constantly available, but remember that socialization time with you is also important.
  • You must understand that all fostering decisions are made by the Board of Directors.
  • You must be willing to allow occasional site visits by a member of the organization’s leadership.
  • Previous experience caring for house rabbits is a plus. Prospective fosters require additional review.

What if I want to adopt my foster bunny?

It might seem counterintuitive at first, but we discourage our volunteer fosters from adopting their foster rabbits. Bonding with your foster is inevitable during their time with you. Your first foster is generally the most difficult to part with, but it does become easier the more rabbits you help along the way.

Foster homes are crucial to our process. Bunny Buddies does not have a central facility or partner shelter we operate out of, so our rabbits are 100% housed in volunteer homes. Volunteer fosters are our most valuable resource and without space to care for rabbits we can not continue our rescue efforts. Turning away rabbits in
need because our foster homes have stopped fostering limits our ability to rescue.

We know it is difficult to give up a foster rabbit… most of us have been fosters ourselves and have struggled at times. Opening up your home to a new rescue in need is just as rewarding, if not more, as foster failing — and supports Bunny Buddies more than donations or adopting.

Apply to foster with us

It’s extremely rewarding to place a rabbit in their new home when all the odds were once against them — and to know that you made the difference. To become a foster parent, please review and submit an online application.

Read other foster families’ experiences

“It’s so rewarding to see the transformation of a broken bunny. After spending the first 6 years of her life in a cage, Hershey was surrendered to CAP in February 2019. She was overweight (7.9 lb), had overgrown nails, feces matted on her belly and around her bum, and severe ear mites. CAP reached out to Bunny Buddies because Hershey was very scared and couldn’t stay there in her condition. Hershey needed several months to get to a healthy weight before she could be spayed, so she came home with us. The first week she bit me, but as the months went by she trusted us more. Now she runs up to us because she loves her pet-pets so much! We adopted her in 2020 because she is so happy in our house. She’s about 7.5-8 years old now and free range in our bunny room.”

— Barbara S.

“I fostered for Bunny Buddies for several years, and it was the most rewarding experience! I know most people think, ‘I could never foster; I’d just want to keep them all! It’s too hard to let them go.’ And, yes of course you get attached. But I watched every single rabbit I fostered go to the absolute perfect home where they thrive and flourish, and there’s nothing quite as joyful and satisfying as witnessing the impact you’ve made not only to the bunny’s life but to its new family as well. And it’s all thanks to the BB volunteers who help make a perfect match between rabbits and people. That’s where Bunny Buddies makes such a huge difference!”

— Heather B.